Bulgarian English

CSC AD – "2009 IT Project...

A new shareholder in CSC...

CSC AD – "2009 IT Project" first prize winner
11 February 2010
CSC AD is the "2009 IT Project" contest winner in the corporate project category for its implemented core activities project and one of the three finalists among the nine nominated participants. The Company was awarded first prize for succe...
A new shareholder in CSC
30 June 2009
With decision of the shareholders’ General Meeting in June 2009 Raiffeisenbank (Bulgaria) EAD was accepted as a new shareholder in CSC....
A new Tariff of Customer Services is in effect as of 1 December 2008
31 October 2008
With Decision No. 78/20.10.2008 of the CSC Board of Directors, new amendments have been adopted to the Tariff of Fees and Commissions, which CSC applies in its activities. The amendments are effective as of 1 December 2008. The new Tariff c...
CSC is launching a new web-site
16 July 2008
On 1 August 2008, CSC starts its new web-site. ...